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Interview with Faqih, Nasrin

Family background; religious sentiments and anti-Pahlavi feelings in her upbringing; recollections of her grandfather, Ayatollah Kashani; education in the West; on changes in the status of women in Iran; work on developing a master plan for the city of Esfahan; recollections of organizing for revolutionary activities in the late 1970s; role of the intelligentsia in the Revolution of 1978-79; political ethos of the intelligentsia and their views on Ayatollah Khomeini; recollection of changes in the political climate during the Bakhtiyar premiership; activism for women’s rights during the Revolution; women’s rights in Persian social and political culture.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Nasrin-Faqih- pdf


35pp. + summary + biographical note + index + photograph

About the interviewee