Browse oral history

Interview with Behnam, Jamshid

Recollections of childhood; reminiscences of literary figures of the 1940s and 1950s; education at Tehran University; memories of Prime Minister Mansur’s Progressive Circle (Kanun-e Moteraqqi); work at the Plan and Budget Organization; establishing the Institute of Social Studies and Research of Tehran University; on the introduction of the discipline of sociology to the university curricula in Iran; activities of the Institute of Social Studies and Research; on economic planning in Iran; on the government’s views on cultural development in Iran; assessment of the activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education; cultural and political trends at Tehran University in the 1970s; westernism in the universities; recollections of the famous professors of Tehran University; on the Ramsar Educational Conferences; planning for the Farabi University; on Iran’s activities at UNESCO.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Jamshid-Behnam-Vol-I-APt-I Jamshid-Behnam-Vol-II-BPt-I Jamshid-Behnam-English


50pp. + summary + biographical note + index + photograph

About the interviewee