Interview with Ardalan, Farajollah
Family background and recollections of childhood; involvement with the National Front politics and association with Karim Sanjabi; recollections of the activities of the National Front following the events of 1953; student years in England and the formation of the first nuclei of the Confederation of Iranian Students (CIS) in Europe; recollections of early organized student political activism in the U.S.; meetings between CIS leaders in the U.S. and Robert Kennedy; on the Khaibar Khan issue in the U.S.; activities of the National Front in the U.S. and Europe; expansion of CIS activities and emergence of factionalism; divisions within the National Front in Iran following Mosaddeq’s letters from Ahmadabad; National Front activities in Algeria; on Ebrahim Yazdi, Sadeq Qotbzadeh, Shahin Fatemi and Hedayatollah Matin-Daftari; on collaboration with Ali Amini and Shahin Fatemi after the Revolution.